Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Moon

i was watching a video published by NASA, showing the moon , a close up . 

i wondered , about those who say that the moon shaped after an accident and it took its place over there, 

when i looked at it in that high definition video , and i recalled the moon as i see it from my memory , 

i noticed that its perfectly shaped as a ball , circle a sphere... with no edges or any cracked sides the way things be when you just break a rock or throw something that breaks other thing ,,, you know what i mean ? 

why earth, moon , all other planets are perfectly shaped like ball or sphere ? 

why hasn't that been a random shape ? 

why was that ?

dose nasa have any real explanation for this?

seeing it perfectly shaped the way Humans shaped? did not ring any bells in your heart? oh i mean head? 

if someone intended to make something will he make it look and work perfect or just throw it randomly around and see how it feels? 

Got me thinking ...

Thank you 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

iPhone 6 to be released on 9 Sep

Image via Nowhere Else

this is what trusted sources say ...
on september  9 at 9:41 

I am real iPhone user since iPhone 1 , at that time it was very primitive to what we have now, but it was a revolution , i remember i was Nokia user since i started using cell phones, and i using the phone till it gives its last breaths, and that was the case for the iPhone since i switched to, i got the first version, then i got the 3g as a present, and then got the 4 and then the one i am using now is the iPhone 5. 

Will i be jumping on the "iPhone 6"... actually not, cos my iPhone 5 is still health with its 64Gb storage and the way it handles the iOS7 , it works fine for me, i will see how it will work with iOS8 , and i am sure it wont be slow and hanging , like the 3G was when turned to iOS4 , 

Why i am telling this story ?

The culture of consumption is the culture that drives people these days, looking around to what people buy while they don't need, makes you wonder! 
Why do people dive in debts and credits to buy things they don"t really need , is it right thing to do? enjoy now and leave the worry for later? 

If we ask a homeless this question will he answer the same as any one else ?

A question to every one. 

Do you really need to buy every time you desire? 

Try to think about it... 

Buy it when you need it, not just to do like every one else and feel like your up to date with your gadget or furniture or car, even your clothes, 

check your self out, and look back to your life , what are you trying to achieve? 

i am sure you will not be happy to be just a battery to make the big firms run and control your life, but use what they produce to improve your life and serve it the way it should 

Think ... don't just be a consumer 

#iphone6 #iphone 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why celebrities commit suicide !?

This is a question for you , think about an answer before you reach the end of this ... 


Almost every year we hear news about a celebrity who is found dead and pills beside his body, then we hear news of deep depression they got into, that led them to commit suicide in most cases, over dosed or deliberately taking pills to end their lives. 

They got all the things one can wish for, fame , money , you name it.

But what did they miss to make them crush inside? 

What did they miss so they end their lives one way or another? 

What we are made of? 

THINK ... 

The Body, with its mechanisms and the way it acts by it self , do you think about your breathing all the time? mostly you don't even think about it cos you take it as granted, your body is doing it by it self you don't need to interfere or give any kind of efforts, and mostly we never feel it till we reach a moment when a sickness disturb this order of the body, now while you are reading this, you are not aware that your breathing right? 

Whats makes our bodies as they are? 

Its the life in it, without this life its just a flesh and bones, so we call this life and relate it to the soul, 
which is the next component that makes us what we are, and with this component we feel the life we feel the pain and joy , when its translated by our brains, do you know what ideas look like when they are in our minds still? 

It feels the same as the soul . we can feel it but cant see it, and mostly we feel it when its gone, not when its still in the body keeping it warm and breathing. 

For our bodies to be feeling food, we need to take care of them the way it should, 
you do sport have a healthy food , and stay away from poisons, that people enjoy taking to their bodies, you know it right, Eh like smoking and drinking , you know the rest . 

Keeping your body healthy is one thing that makes you live longer, living longer may not be a longer years of your life but it may be to live healthier all of your life, and to do that just eat well and do sport and sleep well , never forget that . 
the question is now , as we all know what i was talking about above this line , what should i do to keep my soul healthy all of my life? why would i take care of the car without taking care of the engine? 

Why we focus our attention on the body and its healthiness and forget about the soul? 

What are you doing to feed it? 

What are you doing to keep it healthy ?

What are you thinking about now? 

Why would you ignore your souls need to feel great and get its freedom while its in the body still? 

When people spend their lives taking care of their bodies and getting what they want , even when they get rich and billionaires, they often forget about their souls , they fell in the trap of gloom and brightness of the lights , till the lost it all , and when they do lost it, the turn around trying to find it all over again, and cos they haven't meet before, they cant seem to find it, they look in the wrong places where only the consumption of their souls are there.

The result is? 

Ah you know, every now and then we hear peoples are gone and commit suicide in an attempt to find their soul that they lost while pleasing the body. 

Nothing can help the body to feel great if the soul is sad.

Think about it ... there is more to say, but its all in your head, and its in your hand to find out how you can feed your soul, and keep it healthy balanced between you , your body and your life 

and maybe many other things 

The Balance  

robin William death
news  why he died comedian  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How much food you should eat?

How much you should eat? 

Most of us doing it without a Limit or  level, we keep eating and drinking till we feel we are top, and sometimes cant breath, " never do that " specially in BBQ parties or in weekends, company makes us eat more , chatting laughing makes us forget that we are exceeding the limits  of our container. 

To know what is the best measurements lets divide the  container " the stomach" into 3 sections . 
To keep your health, despite what type of food your eating, sometimes you have a very healthy diets but the way you eat is completely wrong , thats bad you know

Rule No.1 
 what you will do is :
Make 1/3 of the container " the stomach " for food 
1/3 for drinks and the last 1/3 for air , yes for your air so you can breath.

Rule No.2
Do not eat until you feel hungry, and when you eat do not eat till you feel top. 

Try to follow this rules in order to get a healthy stomach that will result in healthy body , 

Some say , Tell me what you eat i tell you how health you are 

Try it ... 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

How to drink water !?

How to Drink water the right way? 

Is this a question? 

Do you think you are drinking water the right way? 

We know , every thing we drop down in our moths , lands in our stomach , when we get lots of information and data input we feel like a bomb about to explode, and we seek a quite place or a fresh air so we stop the ticking timer in our brains , 
yes cos our brains feeds on information. 

What do our stomach do in the this cases of giving it lots amounts of "Food" any type of food at a time?

You can imagine it.

One of the things that surprises the stomach is a sudden flood of water , for this reason the best practice to drink a cup of water is:

Better to be sitting while drinking water , start with a sip of water, and then after few seconds another sip, ( this will be as a warning to your stomach that there is something is coming, so be prepared ) 
now you can drink your water all at ones a you used to do  

Remember this applies to all kind of fluids specially the cold/hot ones 

Try it and see by your self 

Thank you  

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Shower like you never had before ,,,

The best way of having a shower ...

Have this idea ever crossed your mind ?

What is the best way to take a shower !?

You may be thinking now , what to do in the shower? 
its obvious thats known to every one, it doesn't need to be told about, you'r mom taught you since you are days old.

But seriously, try this sequence in having the shower and see the deference in your blood circulation and in you'r daily activities, and see your Hygiene levels when you keep showering this way time after time. 

This method is for every day shower, and its more "advised" special for the shower after the intimate relation, " if you are thinking to go active all over again", but to clean up and let your body get rid of all the unwanted chemicals that your body produced and came out of your skin, Try this sequence, its so simple, don't just say it wont affect me, until you try it out . 
This is not to teach you how to clean up your self but, to tell you a better way to do it , its proven to be 100% effective . 

First thing you do.

- Start cleaning your Genitals and also clean your self from behind with soap and water, well 
- Wash your hand with soap and AVOID touching  your self again ( never Touch your Genitals and your behind).
- Wash your hand with water 3 times  ( start with your right hand).
- Rinse your mouth 3 times with water.
- Rinse your nose 3 times with water.
- Wash your face 3 times.
- Now wash your Elbows 3 times each ( start with your right hand finish it then do your left hand) 
- Fill your hand with a little water and pass it thru our head from Front to the Back one time.
- Moisten your hand and move your fingers in a circular motion in your ears, ( to clean the curves of your ears ) only ones.
- Finally wash your feet one time starting from your right feet . 

Remember you will be doing this while your in the shower ... lets not forget the touching part . 
Now ... 

Lay down your head under the water 3 times and in each time let the water go thru your hair by your hand, after doing this for three times, now stand with your right part of your body under the water so its all get wet, from your shoulder to your toe , you may pass your hand up and down, so all your right body will be wet and water reaches every part of it, then you do the same for your left part of your body, " don't forget, will not touch your self " 

Now you can stand under the shower and let all your body feel the water , 

now you are all cleaned up , the next step is to use your shampoo and soaps to shower the way you used to to clean up " but without forgetting the touching part " till you finish up your showering. 

Try it for a month each time you take a shower , and see the deference's , and i am sure you will notice it in your sleep and in your activity during the day. 

Please Try it and let me know if you felt a change in few days. 

Thank you