Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why celebrities commit suicide !?

This is a question for you , think about an answer before you reach the end of this ... 


Almost every year we hear news about a celebrity who is found dead and pills beside his body, then we hear news of deep depression they got into, that led them to commit suicide in most cases, over dosed or deliberately taking pills to end their lives. 

They got all the things one can wish for, fame , money , you name it.

But what did they miss to make them crush inside? 

What did they miss so they end their lives one way or another? 

What we are made of? 

THINK ... 

The Body, with its mechanisms and the way it acts by it self , do you think about your breathing all the time? mostly you don't even think about it cos you take it as granted, your body is doing it by it self you don't need to interfere or give any kind of efforts, and mostly we never feel it till we reach a moment when a sickness disturb this order of the body, now while you are reading this, you are not aware that your breathing right? 

Whats makes our bodies as they are? 

Its the life in it, without this life its just a flesh and bones, so we call this life and relate it to the soul, 
which is the next component that makes us what we are, and with this component we feel the life we feel the pain and joy , when its translated by our brains, do you know what ideas look like when they are in our minds still? 

It feels the same as the soul . we can feel it but cant see it, and mostly we feel it when its gone, not when its still in the body keeping it warm and breathing. 

For our bodies to be feeling food, we need to take care of them the way it should, 
you do sport have a healthy food , and stay away from poisons, that people enjoy taking to their bodies, you know it right, Eh like smoking and drinking , you know the rest . 

Keeping your body healthy is one thing that makes you live longer, living longer may not be a longer years of your life but it may be to live healthier all of your life, and to do that just eat well and do sport and sleep well , never forget that . 
the question is now , as we all know what i was talking about above this line , what should i do to keep my soul healthy all of my life? why would i take care of the car without taking care of the engine? 

Why we focus our attention on the body and its healthiness and forget about the soul? 

What are you doing to feed it? 

What are you doing to keep it healthy ?

What are you thinking about now? 

Why would you ignore your souls need to feel great and get its freedom while its in the body still? 

When people spend their lives taking care of their bodies and getting what they want , even when they get rich and billionaires, they often forget about their souls , they fell in the trap of gloom and brightness of the lights , till the lost it all , and when they do lost it, the turn around trying to find it all over again, and cos they haven't meet before, they cant seem to find it, they look in the wrong places where only the consumption of their souls are there.

The result is? 

Ah you know, every now and then we hear peoples are gone and commit suicide in an attempt to find their soul that they lost while pleasing the body. 

Nothing can help the body to feel great if the soul is sad.

Think about it ... there is more to say, but its all in your head, and its in your hand to find out how you can feed your soul, and keep it healthy balanced between you , your body and your life 

and maybe many other things 

The Balance  

robin William death
news  why he died comedian  

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